Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's raining afain here in NW Iowa and they are already predicting snow this Sunday:(
So definetely needed some more PUMPKIN OATS this morning.
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • pumpkin
  • brown sugar
  • pumkin pie spice
  • banana on top and on side

Close up on this amazing goodness, I hope I don't ever get sick of this because it's so tasty and stays in my tummy FOREVER:)
I went for a 4 mile run at the gym and stetched my hamstrings, so sore.

Lunch was a Sweet Tango apple and a Whole Berry Blast Probar. I was still really full from the oatmeal, a good thing but hopefully not to hungry at work because never enought time to eat alot.

2 more nights of work, so tired! We were short last night because the flu hit NW Iowa like crazy. So last night I had to work extra to make up for that, which equals more knee pain since I'm on my feet all night. Hopefully I can rest them for a while and might need to ice them and start wearing my ACE bandage again. We'll see!
What breakfast foods fill you up for hours?


Unknown said...

Gosh those pumpkin oats look AMAZING! Very festive for Fall :)I loveee scrambled eggs, bacon, and an apple for bfast. Homestyle breakfasts just make me a happy camper! Having Protein powder pancakes are also a great way to keep the energy up in the morning.

Rachel said...

Those pumpkin oats definitely look incredible. I love breakfast, it is my favorite meal of the day. I love pancakes the most - also waffles and french toast. I haven't been eating many oats lately because it is still hot here, but as it starts to cool down I definitely will.

Yay for moving to wordpress! I hope your hubby is feeling better.

What marathon do you think you are going to train for? I am going to look for my next one soon...

Meganerd said...

Pumpkin oats are awesome! Really any oatmeal toppings, like nut butters especially really keep me full. I also like eggs and toast!

Angharad (Eating for England) said...

It's tried and true but anything full of protein is bound to keep me full - scrambled eggs on toast with maybe a little fruit and yogurt on the side. It's a big breakfast but it keeps me full for hours and hours so I end up skipping my usual mid-morning snackage! Ugh to the rain and double ugh to the snow! wtf. It's raining cats and dogs here too...

homecookedem said...

Pumpkin oats are the best b/c like you said they're filling and TASTY! :)

Homemade egg muffin sandwiches fill me up the most! I need to eat them for b-fast more often!!

lynn said...

yay pumpkin oats! i find that egg dishes fill me up forever.

brandi said...

oatmeal definitely fills me up!

predicting snow already?!? that's crazy!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I definitely need to try those pumpkin oats!!

A big bowl of oat bran with banana, flax, raisins, and walnuts fills me up for a long time!

Holly said...

mmmmmm pumpkin oats are the best!